
Events - 2014

Public talk on Diabetic Foot on World Diabetes Day • 14th Nov 2014

Dr Kum was invited to give a talk  to the public on an event Organized by the Diabetic Society of Singapore on World Diabetes Day.

He spoke on "Preventing Amputations in Diabetics -  Putting Your Feet First".   The talk focused on the need for prevention, regular Podiatry consultations as well as the role of Improving Blood Supply to the legs of patients with gangrene and ulcers of the foot to prevent debilitating Amputations. There was also a large emphasis on regular wound care. The event was attended by close to 100 members of the public many of whom were diabetic.

NVVVC has a team of doctors, nurses and podiatrist who have many years of experience and are trained specifically on how to heal diabetic foot wounds. 

See the bio of our team

Read more about Diabetic Foot Conditions


INAVASC • Sept 2014

Dr Kum was invited to speak at INAVASC 2014, a yearly held conference of the Vascular Surgeons of Indonesia. He delivered a talk on the "Integrated Approach to Healing Diabetic Foot Ulcers" and also had an informal case discussions on several complex cases.



Diabetic Foot Public Forum • 30 Aug 2014

Dr Tan and Ms Jessie Phua were invited by the Diabetic Society of Singapore to give several talks on Diabetic Foot Conditions.

The event was very well attended and many participants were given the opportunity to understand why diabetics were prone to Foot Ulcers and how these could be treated and prevented.

Dr Tan touched upon the advanced Endovascular approaches available and also the importance of meticulous wound care. Ms Jessie Phua spoke on the care of the Diabetic Foot, wound care, Diabetic Foot Screening and Proper Shoe ware.

Novena Vascular & Varicose Vein Centre offers comprehensive Diabetic Foot Screening and customized insoles for Diabetics

Diabetic Foot Public Forum

AMP Chicago (Amputation Prevention) • 14 - 16 Aug 2014

Dr Kum was invited to the AMP Symposium in Chicago to present his experience in Percutaneous Deep Venous Arterialisation, a potentially new method to treat "No Option" Diabetic Critical Limb Ischemia at risk of impending amputation.

Dr Kum and Dr Tan and the lead investigators in the LimFlow trial . This procedure is currently undergoing clinical trials.

AMP 2014amp 2014

Asian Society of Vascular Surgeons (ASVS) Meeting Hong Kong • 5 - 7 May 2014

Dr Kum was invited to deliver a talk on the Contemporary Methods of treating Diabetic Foot Gangrene by integrating both Endovascular techniques and aggressive Wound Care. The talk also focused on a multidisciplinary approach with a close partnership with a Podiatrist.

NVVVC offers patients a one stop centre to treat Diabetic Foot conditions including diabetic foot gangrene. We have an extensive podiatry setup and focus on all aspects of care for the Diabetic Patient and their Feet.

ASVS 2014

Diabetic Foot Public Symposium • 2014

Diabetic Foot Public Symposium 2014

Dr Tan, Jessie and Dr Kum were invited by Toa Payoh East Community Club as well as Mercy Community Care to give a public talk on Diabetic Foot conditions and the importance of Podiatry Care in Diabetics.

Diabetic Foot Public Symposium 2014

Together with partner physicians and as part of Novena Vascular’s ongoing efforts to raise public awareness, they reached out to the residents of the community and addressed their concerns about diabetes and the effects of neglecting foot problems in diabetics.

Diabetic Foot Public Symposium 2014

LINC Asia Pacific • 2014

LINC Asia-Pacific is a multidisciplinary, educational course covering all fields of peripheral arterial interventions including carotid, renal, femoral, below the knee procedures as well as stent-grafting for AAA, TAA and aortic dissections.

The course is practice oriented, with special emphasis on complex revascularization techniques and interdisciplinary discussion. The congress is a platform for discussion and education of fellow doctors from Asia.

Dr Kum is part of the Scientific Committee and both Dr Tan and Dr Kum were part of several physicians performing ‘Live’ cases transmitted via satellite to the conference centre in Hong Kong.

LINC Asia Pacific 2014 slideLINC Asia Pacific 2014

LINC • 2014

Dr Kum and Dr Tan attended LINC in Leipzig, Germany. LINC is the foremost platform for discussions on Vascular Conditions for Vascular Specialists. Dr Kum was part of the International Faculty engaged in discussions on Aortic Aneurysms and Critical Limb Ischaemia.

LINC 2014

LINC seminarLINC_2014_spealers_panelLINC 2014 Dr Steven Kum



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