Advance Wound Care Services


Wound Care

Wound care is essential to allow the body to heal itself. It is an ongoing process that requires minor wound debridements (removal of unhealthy tissue) as well as wound dressings. This provides and optimum environment for the growth of healthy tissue.

Wound debridements can be done in the clinic using sterile equipment. An ultrasonic machine can also be used to debride the wound. Click on the link below to see video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQiPZBj0SQY


Wound dressings

Novena Vascular & Varicose Vein Centre has a wide range of wound dressings available. These include silver based dressings, collagen based dressings Negative Pressure Therapy. Wounds require different dressings at different stages of wound healing.

One of the most effective dressings in Diabetic Foot Wounds is the VAC dressing. It is essentially a dressing using Negative Pressure i.e. Suction to encourage wound healing.

The benefits of VAC Therapy are:

  • Removes infectious material and fluids from wound
  • Provides a waterproof environment and prevents contamination from the environment
  • Improves blood flow and encourages healthy tissue to form and grow
  • Reduces swelling
  • Convenient portable light weight system with a long battery life
  • Does not require daily change of dressing
  • Reduces odour

Learn about patients experiences with VAC therapy

Download the Patient Information Brochure:

VAC dressing can also be treated with Silver based compound. Silver used to reduce the infection on the surface of the wound. The diagram below shows the reduction of bacterial after 30 minutes of exposure to Silver based VAC:

A new form of VAC called UltaVac allows continued cleansing and irrigation of the wound with antibacterial solution whilst the wound is subjected to intermittent suction. Programmed periods of irrigation with fluid are alternated with suction.

Click on the link for an article on UltaVac:

Our doctors were the pioneers in the application of this revolutionary new product. They are also Regional Consultants for KCI Medical, the makers of VAC.


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